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Hims & Hers -set Black Original price was: € 92,00.Current price is: € 46,00.
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Hims & Hers -set Black

Original price was: € 92,00.Current price is: € 46,00.

Despite its name, this set is completely unisex. Both products work for both men and women and address the typical problems of skin care; impurity, dryness and firmness of the skin.

These Beautybic Bestsellers Face Brush and Pore Vacuum, are popular for a reason, their power is immediately noticeable.

The Face Brush cleanses the skin while rubbing it gently. The skin is completely cleansed, blood circulation is restored and the skin is activated to balance moisture. The face brush is a must especially for dry skin. The massage also tightens the skin.

The Pore Vacuum specifically cleans blackheads and other impurities. Finally an effective way to get rid of blackheads! Diamond Microdermabrassion Heads of the Pore Vacuum can also be used to smooth out small lines on the skin.

Set discount -10 %

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